This is a question that I ask myself more often than not.... And I think I’ve ruled out the possibilities...
- Not because I have to get up at 6 in the morning to get ready for work Monday through Friday... (And am not a morning person...)
- Not because I leave my house by 7:25 a.m. and then don’t see it again until 5:25 p.m.
- Not because I spend an hour every night getting my butt kicked by EA Active 2
(and end up looking vaguely like this afterwards - bright red and sweaty...)
- Not because I then don’t get to eat dinner until closer to 7... And have to shower because I’m all gross from the workout... And want to chat with J to catch up on our days... And want to watch my favorite shows...
- Not because when I finally drag myself to my bedroom, I still have to take my vitamins, get stuff ready for the next day, set the alarm.... before I can curl up under the covers...
- Not because on nights when J comes to bed at the same time as me, I have to have my minimum half-hour of snuggle time to just relax and unwind in his arms before I push him away, roll over, and spread out because I can’t actually sleep like that... Seriously. I would burst into flames... I run way to hot at night to be squished close together with blankets on...
- Not because on some nights when he comes to bed at the same time as me and I have already gotten my snuggle time and rolled away, something that amuses me will pop into my head and I will randomly become a chatterbug and get him talking too and we will talk about ridiculous things and giggle like children having a sleep-over...
- Not because on nights when he stays up later than me, I take advantage of my lighted Kindle
and read read read read read read.... “Just one more chapter!!” “Crap.... that chapter was a total cliff-hanger... Just THIS one more chapter......”
- Not because on nights when he stays up later than me and I force myself to leave my Kindle in another room, I end up watching tv or playing a game on my phone until it gets much later than I wanted it to...
- Not because on nights when he comes to bed later than me, he somehow makes as much noise as is humanly possible while coming to bed and wakes me back up if I was lucky enough to already by snoozing...
- Not because the kitty-cats think it’s funny to have screaming death-matches at 4:30 in the morning... Which require me to have to get up out of bed to put a stop to...
- Not because the same kitty-cats (mostly the girl one) think that it is funny to throw up in the middle of the night...
- Not because on Friday and Saturday night we end up completely losing track of time while hanging out with my best friend and her husband... Nothing makes time disappear faster than getting dinner, watching funny shows, laughing hysterically about the stupidest possible things (seriously - our shadows can make us laugh harder than almost anything...), swimming, playing cards, playing video games, sitting in the hot tub, going to Yogurtland, playing with their dogs..... Suddenly you wonder why your eyes are burning, look at the clock, and it’s 1:00 a.m.
- Not because I am quickly losing my ability to sleep in ALL day on Saturday... Once I get vaguely around 8 hours of sleep, I’m up... Plus, the day just feels so wasted when I sleep half of it away...
- Not because our friends just had their first baby and we love going over to see them and him...
(I mean... The wee baby Jackson? Too adorable for words...)
- Not because we’ve had birthday parties and pool parties and hiking and off-roading days and dinners and work to do on our camper and things that have to get done around the house and have been too busy to just sit and relax and read or write....
- Definitely not because I turned 31 back on May 25th...
- Not because I am highly entertained by wasting time making photos of me look like those WAY over-photo-shopped Facebook pictures that people post... The ones where you can’t even really tell what they look like anymore... And they are usually from a weird angle... And then spend more time texting them to my friends who know who I am making fun of... And then hilarity ensues....
"What you should know about me is that I’m very dramatic and just have this.... 'inner glow' that people find oh-so attractive....."
- Not because I have a tendency to drink two liters of water after I get home - in addition to the smaller water bottles and diet coke I drink at work and therefore have to pee a bazillion times...
- Not because there is something going around my office that is trying to catch me... I just don’t have time to be sick... And this whole “not being able to breathe” “do I have a fever or not” crap is getting REALLY old.
Or............. Wait. Maybe those are all the exact reasons that I’m always tired... Who knows? My brain is too tired to figure it out...